Thursday 10 July 2008


"Superman shot off through the garden. His..."

"I'm not Superman. I'm Superfrog".

"I do apologise.
"Superfrog shot off through the garden. His cape bil..."

"I'm not wearing a cape. It's my ninvisible cloak".

"I am sorry.
"Superfrog shot off through the garden. His ninvisible cloak billowed around his arms. Robin..."

"I haven't got arms. Frogs have four legs".

"How silly of me.
"Superfrog shot off through the garden. His ninvisible cloak billowed around his four legs. Robin, his sidekick, leapt in..."

"He's not Robin. He's Super-Sumo-Robin-Head".

"How did I miss that?
"Superfrog shot off through the garden. His ninvisible cloak billowed around his four legs. Super-Sumo-Robin-Head, his sidekick, leapt into view halfway down the lawn..."

"It's not a lawn. It's a Space Trampoline".





"I'm not Mum. I'm She-Who-Forgot-Where-She-Started.
And it's tea-time".




"Superfrogs don't eat tea".

1 comment:

Alice said...

Inspired by Wilf